Universal Hundesport Club Show, Breed survey, AD and Character Assessment

May 10-12, 2024.

Dog Entry Information

Check Class Entering

Sire and Dam Information


Copy of your registration will be sent to this address


Uploading Documents

*All dogs must be current on Rabies vaccinations per State on the event requirements. It is recommended that dogs be current on all vaccinations.



The German Shepherd Dog Club of America, Inc (GSDCA) is not responsible for any injuries or damage suffered by persons or animals participating in this event before, during, or after the actual event. By acting as a spectator and/or participating in any capacity, I waive my right or action against GSDCA and will hold the GSDCA harmless if any action or lack of action by my dog(s) or by me results in any action against the GSDCA. Dogs not entered in the show are not allowed on the show grounds.

After submitting the form, you will be redirected to Paypal. Login to your paypal account and make a payment to finish your entry.

All entry fees are nonrefundable.
